Training Courses for Fall Protection Systems
AlpAccess Service Diagram
Regardless of the systems/ equipment or their performance, the most important part in achieving a safe working environment is represented by the appropriate training of the personnel.
Whether it is routine maintenance or works with an increased degree of complexity that require working at height, we are able to provide guidelines and training for a variety of situations:
- Working at height - basic course
- Rescue at height course
- Photovoltaic panel installers course
- Confined spaces course

What Our Customers Say
Employees’ health and safety is a real priority nowadays, with working at height representing one of the main risks in most industries. Having been our partner for over 5 years, Alpaccess Lifeline SRL was the one who helped us register 0 work accidents in our projects, by offering premium quality services and equipment: installation of lifeline systems and retractable fall protection devices, safety belts with harness, training, periodic checks of the systems, specialized advice, etc. We thank Alpaccess Lifeline SRL team for the quality of the services offered in over 5 years of partnership.

Costin Jugaru
EHS Manager, COFCO International
SC Romniserv SRL - Navodari, represented by Mr. Fronea Cornel, Supervisor, wishes to express its full satisfaction obtained from the collaboration with SC ALPACCESS SRL for the painting works performed at the facilities of Pyrolysis plants, Catalytic Cracking, HDV, MHC, PP, Coke of coal, Cryogen, Chill, RGF, DAV, DGRS, New SRU, 50,000, Utility networks.
The works were performed considering our quality conditions and within the deadline imposed by our company. We recommend SC ALPACCESS SRL as a trusty partner for any company.

Cornel Fronea
Supervisor, Romniserv
SC Romniserv SRL - Navodari, represented by Mr. Colis Bogdan, Supervisor, wishes to express its full satisfaction obtained from the collaboration with SC ALPACCESS SRL during the composite repairs works performed at the facilities of HPM, DAV, RC, HG, DGRF installations. The works were performed considering our quality conditions and within the deadline imposed by our company. We recommend SC ALPACCESS SRL as a trusty partner for any company.

Bogdan Colis
Supervisor, Romniserv
SC Romniserv SRL - Navodari, represented by Mr. Daniel Brinzoi, Director of work site, wishes to express its full satisfaction obtained from the collaboration with SC ALPACCESS SRL for the rope access services and painting works performed at the facilities of Pyrolysis plants, Catalytic Cracking, HDV, MHC, PP, Coke of coal, Cryogen, Chill, RGF, DAV, DGRS, New SRU, 50,000, Utility networks. The works were performed considering our quality conditions and within the deadline imposed by our company. We recommend SC ALPACCESS SRL as a trusty partner for any company.

Daniel Brinzoi
Director of work site, Romniserv
Acting for General Electric International Wilmington Suc. Romania as service area manager and technical leader we wish to express the satisfaction obtained from collaborating with AlpAccess team during the painting works performed in Fantanele-Cogealac Wind Farm. The project involved the inspection and repair of the wind turbine generator towers coating and painting. The work was supervised by the GE supplier for wind turbine towers, Gestamp and GE operational team. The works were conducted respecting our quality standards and terms. The AlpAccess team performed all the assigned tasks in a safe, efficient manner and we were successfully collaborating for the production optimization. We are very pleased with the way that the AlpAccess team vas involving for finishing the tasks of the project. Considering the competence and professionalism they proved throughout the project, we are surely going to further recommend AlpAccess's products and services to any organization.

Viorel Stanciu
Technical operations Leader, General Electric
We herewith would like to confirm to you that we have hired AlpAccess certified offshore rope access coating inspectors Mr. Dragos State and Mr. David Nica and were pleased with the inspection services provided as well as with the technical knowledge of both inspectors. Should the occasion rise again on future projects, we would not hesitate to hire them again.

Gunnar Ackx
Managing Director, SCICON worldwide bvba
We started working with AlpAccess, in 2010, looking for an industrial services partner to complete the services were lacking. AlpAccess exceeded our expectation proving to be a good and knowledgeable partner. The constant change in knowhow leaded to a strong presence on the Romanian industrial services market.

Catalin Musuroi
Industrial Services Manager, Huennebeck Romania
AlpAccess has proven constantly and assumed the will to offer professional and high quality solutions, according to international standards. Their capacity to solve high complexity problems in the field of corrosion protection and passive fire protection, fully recommends them.

Sorin Burtoi
Protective Coatings Business Manager Romania & Bulgaria, International Paint
We worked with AlpAccess in 2014 in the Lukoil refinery in Ploiesti, for a passive fire protection project with Chartek 1709. All their employees knew their trade and they turned out to be a reliable and multidisciplined industrial services supplier.

Alexandru Craciun
Country manager Romania, Burgas Nefteproekt
Allimep Est whishes to express the satisfaction obtained in working with the AlpAccess team on the BOP wall steel structure erection and painting on Scarabeo 8 offshore oil rig, located in the North Sea, Norwegian sector. The works were conducted respecting the quality conditions and terms imposed by us and by our client Saipem. The AlpAccess team executed the rope access works in a safe and efficient manner. We are very pleased by the way AlpAccess understood to execute the tasks of the project.

Victor Damian
Manager proiect, Allimep EST
Metka Brazi trough its representative, confirms that AlpAccess SRL, has undertaken the complete volume of the corrosion protection (painting), of the 860 Mega Watt combined cycle power plant in Brazi Prahova, Romania. Works were performed in full conformity to applicable quality standards and the projects specifications. Also works were performed in line with all environmental and health and safety rules of the construction site.

Charis Chasapopoulos
Site Manager CCPP Brazi, METKA
As the beneficiary of the contract for LOTO procedures implementation and fall protection systems installation, I wish to express my appreciation for the professionalism, product quality and for the promptness in providing competent solutions from AlpAccess representatives. Based on the competence and professionalism they showed, I'll recommend to any organization AlpAccess's products and services.

Gabriel Selaru
Project Manager, Rominserv